so…here it goes.

hello people…

So all about me, right? Here’s a little background info to get us started shall we…?

I am crafty…and I mean in all senses of the word. I scrapbook, I sew, I cook, I take pictures, I collage, and most recently…I knit. In all of this I have started to embrace my inner dorkiness. I even bought a Martha Stewart book about sewing…(*GASP*)

I am turning 30 this year…in a couple of months in fact, and I figure the best way to document this strange journey into my inner dorkiness was express myself through a blog.

As I get older physically and younger mentally, (I once knitted a nose mitten for cripes sake) I find that most of my friends are moving up and on…having families & buying houses. Both of these are something that I am financially not even close to yet…

I begin/began/still trying to grasp how I have strayed so far from the path that I originally set out, but loving the journey so far. I married the man of my dreams…(we still laugh till we cry) and work at a job that lets me wear 0 guage earrings and dye my hair platinum if I want…what more could I want.

This blog will be mostly about my craftiness…and the strange ideas that pop into my head randomly; and my only goal is to reach out to other people like me who have taken the road less traveled and come out a little more dorky along the way…

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Tabby Toxsik
    Oct 05, 2010 @ 16:29:19

    I guess I am logged in as my better half, Tabby, of whom introduced me to as well. interesting that some weirdos might get the same idea to blog their insanities. HAHA


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